The Fair Food Forager & Friends Show
Think differently... The Fair Food Forager & Friends show is a guest / interview based show on health, environment, esoteric, taboo and sometimes mind blowing, informative chats with the best in the business. Most things the mainstream just won't talk about.
The Fair Food Forager & Friends Show
#155 John Hamar - The Titanic didn't sink, the RMS Olympic did, but why?
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John Hamer is a geopolitical researcher and author. Since 2001 and the events of 9/11 which really he awakened to what was happening in the world at large. His first book "The Falsification of History’ was published in early 2012 following several years of intense research, followed in 2013 two ‘sister’ works on the Titanic disaster of 1912, the non-fiction ‘RMS Olympic’ and its companion, the novel ‘Titanic’s Last Secret.’
John now has 8 books including; JFK - a very British coup, The Falsification of Science, Volumes 1 & 2 Behind the Curtain an expose into the banking industry and the book he co-authored with Shannon Rowan "Welcome to the Masquerade".
In this episode, John talks us through the sequence of events that led to one of the most well known stories in history. However this is the real story, the real series of events and the possible reasons as to why it happened the way it did.