The Fair Food Forager & Friends Show
Think differently... The Fair Food Forager & Friends show is a guest / interview based show on health, environment, esoteric, taboo and sometimes mind blowing, informative chats with the best in the business. Most things the mainstream just won't talk about.
The Fair Food Forager & Friends Show
#85 Nick Hudson of PANDA - The great Covid lie
Nick Hudson is an actuary with broad international experience in finance, who has settled into a career as a private equity investor. He is a man of wide-ranging interests—an avid reader of canonical literature, a classical music aficionado, and an enthusiastic amateur ornithologist. He is now the chairman of https://pandata.org/ and has been invited to speak on various topics including epistemology, corporate governance, investment management, and more recently, the pandemic.
From pandata.org - "Many have observed something was not right about the extreme measures and reactions to the Covid response. Questions have become uncomfortable answers. Speculation has become truth. Conspiracy theories have become spoiler alerts. Challenge your assumptions in the Quest for Open Science".
In this episode Nick (chairman of https://pandata.org/) and I discuss all the ridiculous rules, mandates and general management during the last few years. All of which, the opposite of health, really strong on stress and fear and very good for big pharma profits.