The Fair Food Forager & Friends Show

#82 Professor Norman Fenton - How a narrative was created using numbers, stats & language.

Fair Food Forager / Paul Hellier Season 1 Episode 82

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​Professor Emeritus of Risk at Queen Mary University of London (retired as Full Professor Dec 2022) and a Director of Agena, a company that specialises in artificial intelligence and Bayesian probabilistic reasoning. A mathematician by training with current focus on quantifying risk and uncertainty using causal, probabilistic models that combine data and knowledge (Bayesian networks). He's published 7 books and over 400 peer reviewed articles. Covering multiple domains including law and forensics (He's been an expert witness in major criminal and civil cases), and health. Since 2020 and active in analysing data related to Covid risk.

We chat about Normans career, television appearances and how his wikipedia entry was constantly manipulated since questioning the covid statistics and data. This leads into a conversation about how exactly this happened, some examples of where the numbers and language were manipulated in order to increase the appearance of more dangerous situation.
Normans Youtube
Normans Twitter

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