The Fair Food Forager & Friends Show
Think differently... The Fair Food Forager & Friends show is a guest / interview based show on health, environment, esoteric, taboo and sometimes mind blowing, informative chats with the best in the business. Most things the mainstream just won't talk about.
The Fair Food Forager & Friends Show
#79 Tony Gosling - Media lies & secret societies continued
Beginning his working life in the aviation industry and trained by the BBC, Tony Gosling is a British land rights activist, historian & investigative radio journalist. Over the last 20 years he has been exposing the secret power of the Bank for International Settlements (BIS), Free Masonry and Bilderberg Conferences where corporations, media, banks and royalty conspire to accumulate wealth and power through extortion and war.
In this episode we hear more about the history of secret societies, their workings through history including the Nazi's, royalty and the western governments. The discussion includes the bible, the banks, war and perhaps a positive future where they will surely fail, underestimating our resilience and ability to realise their need for power and control.
Pencourt File - Barrie Penrose
Pandemie van de Angst: Opstap naar een totalitaire maatschappij? - Kees van der Pijl
Martin Bormann Nazi in exile - Paul Manning
The Fifth Man: The Soviet Super Spy Hardcover – Roland Perry
Proofs of a Conspiracy - John Robison
The Devil Rides Out - Dennis Wheatley